Grow Here by Lexie Wolf

What a thrill to be rolling out a fresh new logo and website for our studio!  After nearly seven years, I felt it was time to update our look to better communicate who we are and what we stand for. It was a fun and meaningful process for me, thinking about our evolution as a community.

Some very creative and talented professionals brought the new vision to life and made the process fun and easy. Hannah Tatum from The Grass Spot designed our logo and new brand identity, as well as the gorgeous illustration on our landing page. Hannah’s designs are vibrant and magical – just the right qualities for our studio. And Cassandra Niece from The Dharma Collective was a perfect fit to design our website.  A yoga instructor as well as an amazing marketing and branding professional, Cass totally understood our studio’s vibe and translated it beautifully into a joyful and I think, very functional website.

 I wanted our visual identity to include a number of elements that represent the values we share in our conscious community:

·       Blue lotus – the lotus is a traditional symbol used in Yoga and the blue lotus symbolizes the victory of spirit over suffering. You may have heard the expression “no mud, no lotus.” The lotus blooms in the muddiest of swamps and so reminds us that the most beautiful things can come out of the hardest of times.

·       Crescent moon and sun – The sun and moon are here to represent elemental magick and mysticism. The moon is often associated with the goddess and the sun, with the masculine representation of divinity.

·       The snake represents Kundalini energy, or Shakti, the primordial creative cosmic energy. This is a hugely important concept in Yoga. This powerful energy can be awakened by the physical and spiritual practices of yoga.

·       The mushroom represents higher consciousness as well as connection. Mushrooms are great teachers, with an ability to expand consciousness and elevate the spirit. They also have incredible healing properties and model the power of interconnectedness in their incredible mycelial networks. 

·       The dogwood blossom represents our sweet home here in Pittsboro in the beautiful Piedmont of NC. Our studio has always emphasized and celebrated all that is local.

·       In our landing page illustration we have butterflies, to represent growth and transformation. (And of course, the beautiful mural on our building celebrates this as well).  

·       The purple echinacea flower represents healing. Echniachea is a local herb with incredible healing properties. It is my great hope that our studio community supports all of our healing – physical, emotional, and spiritual.  

 Our new tag line is “grow here” and we hope you’ll accept that invitation. We’ve got a mat laid out just for you.


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