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Sacred Sound with Garth Robertson

Man surrounded by gongs, singing bowls and other instruments

Sound...Even before verbal language, humans have used sound and song for healing, communicating and creating community. Bone flutes have been discovered that date back to 45,000 BC; the ancient Greeks used zithers and harps to calm & entertain. While the ancient practitioners may not have been able to put into language the concepts of brain wave entrainment or the parasympathetic nervous system they knew that Sound, used in deliberate and intentional ways, could calm a person to the point that their innate ability to self-heal activates.

Ceremony...Like shared song and intentional sound, the practice of creating and participating in Ceremony dates back tens of thousands of years; it is a basic human instinct. We are social creatures; gathering together for moments of silence and reverence is at the very core of being human in relationship to others (both human and other than human). Ceremony reflects our beliefs, hopes, traditions, culture, and spirituality while creating a container for belonging and amplifying our intentions.

Garth humbly offers Sound Ceremony, a modality that combines the two for a deep and meaningful experience. Guided by instruments from around the world, each person that is present co-creates the special container that we all use as a collective pathway into our deeper selves and our collective healing.

There are some mats and supports available at Yoga Garden, but please feel free to bring whatever you need to be comfortable on the ground for over an hour. If there is anything specific you'd like support with during the session, please let Garth know before the Ceremony begins.

Some benefits of Sacred Sound include:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety significantly

  • Lower anger and blood pressure

  • Improved circulation and increased blood flow

  • Deep relaxation and pain relief

  • Chakra balancing


March 5

Spiritual Experiences Group with Nora Yolles Young

March 9

Gentle Yoga + Yoga Nidra: A Journey of Relaxation and Restoration with Melissa Russell