Join Mystic Garden Coven for a magical Summer Solstice Ceremony and Celebration of Litha where we will honor the turning of the wheel of the year and embrace the energies of vitality and abundance that come when the duration of daylight is at its longest point.
Our time together begins with the creation of a sacred circle to foster a sense of connection and reverence. We begin with cleansing and setting our intentions at an altar adorned for the season. Guided meditation will encourage personal reflection on vitality and abundance, followed by a journaling session to capture insights and goals. To deepen our connection with the energy of the solstice, there will be a crafting activity, offering a hands-on way to celebrate stepping into the longest days of the year. Join us as we honor the light and embrace the promise of this season's transformation.
A majority of the donations will be made to the Food Bank of Central NC. Suggested donation: $15-$50