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Yoga for Cueing & Assists for Yoga Instructors with Melissa Lido

This one day training is designed to help yoga teachers grow their confidence in offering purposeful and appropriate hands-on assists and to support them by refining verbal cues for instructing asana. Learn how to observe students and discern when/how to offer adjustments to take students deeper into a pose or correct alignment with skill and confidence. Examine some of the most common asanas where students benefit from receiving hands-on assists and spend time focusing on how to be precise with the words we choose to instruct a class.

We will examine how we communicate both verbally and non-verbally as teachers. Ultimately we aim to build confidence so that we feel empowered to move off the mat and move around the room, holding space for clients to be in their own practice and providing them with assists to enhance their practice.

In this workshop, we will cover specific assists, adjustments, and cues for common asanas; we will discuss how we choose our words and communicate; we will consider how to offer effective verbal instruction in class; we will reinforce the importance of anatomy and alignment in yoga asana.


5 Yoga Alliance continuing education credit hours are available for yoga teachers

$190 early bird pricing until November 1st / $250 after

November 10

Grief in Motion: The Loss of our Beloved Animals with heart2heartnc

November 17

Grief in Motion with heart2heartnc