Yoga Garden PBO Yoga Garden PBO

The Joy of Meditation by Tom Thompson

There are many reasons why I meditate, but the one that has kept me going all of these years is that it is fun! There is great joy in regular meditation. It is like going on a wonderful vacation every day.

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Yoga Garden PBO Yoga Garden PBO

Taking the Next Step by Dharma Richards

If you have reached a point in your practice where even though the classroom setting feeds your body and mind, you know there are deeper meanings to the postures, breathwork and meditations that you would like to delve deeper into, maybe it is time to consider a teacher training program.

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Lexie Wolf Yoga Garden PBO Lexie Wolf Yoga Garden PBO

Living Your Yoga by Lexie Wolf

I began yoga teacher training last January with an open mind but clear, pragmatic goals. I wanted to learn to teach so I could confidently be a substitute teacher at our studio, and to provide more knowledgeable, compassionate support for our wonderful teachers.

I got much more than I bargained for. I got something of a brain rewiring. And I’m grateful for it.

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