At Home in the Body by Lexie Wolf

A group of yoga instructors standing in front of a colorful butterfly mural with the word "breathe" on it. Arms are raised overhead

Our bodies are our gateway to experiencing the world. Through yoga, we can transform our relationship with our bodies, turning them into allies on our journey. In the quiet of the practice, we learn to listen deeply, nurturing a compassionate connection with ourselves. Yoga offers a chance to explore our personal edge—where we can open and relax without overextending ourselves—an experience that evolves day by day and looks different for everyone.

Many of us carry background tension much of the time from daily stresses or deeper sources like trauma. Yoga invites us to release this tension, helping the body to relax and the mind to follow suit, creating a harmonious cycle of peace and clarity.

The physical practice of yoga for me is an act of performing routine maintenance on my home, the only true home I’ll ever have. Holding onto tension has a way of subtly closing me off from life's possibilities and affecting my interactions with both myself and others. If I hold this stress too long, it can cause me to feel fatigued or even worse, spiral into a deeply uncomfortable form of anxiety. Yoga has been instrumental in helping me recognize and (usually) shift this pattern in myself. What a relief to greet the world with openness and ease—arms wide, heart open, ready to embrace life's opportunities. And hopefully, radiate that positive energy outwards.

Our fall class schedule begins this week! If you're new to yoga or need a refresher, our upcoming Yoga 101 series offers a perfect introduction over four Saturday afternoons in September. Susan will guide you through the mechanics of the foundational poses as well as fundamentals of breath and relaxation techniques. The Gentle classes on our schedule are very beginner-friendly as well. We also offer private sessions for personalized guidance if that better suits you - just reach out. Let us support you in discovering how yoga can enhance the way you experience your life.


An Appointment with Life by Lexie Wolf


New Year Energy by Lexie Wolf