New Year Energy by Lexie Wolf

There's a special kind of new year energy around this time, especially if you're connected to schools in any way. Maybe you remember that fresh new notebook with its pristine pages, untouched by doodles, or a lunch box that doesn’t yet carry the scent of old sandwiches. It was a nice touch that Pachamama played along with this cultural shift last week, giving us a couple of crisp nights and fresh mornings to set the mood.

Of course, this being the Piedmont, we're already back to summer weather. I feel a sweet melancholy as summer fades away. Surely, the school calendar’s influence plays a part in this. Even with exciting things ahead, I sense a resistance somewhere inside me, reluctant to let go of those lazy days. Maybe I don't want to go back to school, mom. Maybe I'd rather spend another day here in the kitchen with you.

But that’s not an option. I’m embracing an intention these days to live each moment with radical presence while holding it lightly. The quiet, beautiful, and softly sorrowful drumbeat of impermanence continues. I try to breathe in moments of abundance deeply and to exhale fully through the difficult ones, bidding them farewell with each breath. While we can't avoid swimming with the current of change, we can choose how fully we live each moment.

As September rolls in, we’re refreshing our weekly yoga schedule to align with our shifting routines. We’ve made a few tweaks to days and times and added some new classes. Each of our teachers brings a unique and important interpretation of yoga. Finding the right class with the right teacher at the right time can be a challenge, but we hope you'll find your rhythm with us this fall. As the well-known yoga teacher Ganga White once said, “In truth, yoga doesn’t take time – it gives time.”

We can’t wait to share this season of practice with you. Let’s make this transition together, one mindful breath at a time.


At Home in the Body by Lexie Wolf


In A Rut? by Lexie Wolf