Practice for the Benefit of All Beings by Lexie Wolf

Woman sitting under a tree in a turquoise top next to a turquoise Buddha

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." – Buddha

While our world can seem unusually chaotic and despairing, many students of history would argue it's often been this way. Throughout time, humans have grappled with pain and chaos, stemming from our reptilian brains, egoic minds, and wounded hearts.

Yoga provides us with tools to tame these powerful challenges that cloud our emotions, thoughts, and judgments, every day and in every way. Yogis believe that beneath these obstacles lies our essence: pure goodness and light. By guiding us to perceive, feel, and act from this place, Yoga aims to cultivate individuals who contribute positively to the world, living in harmony with themselves, the earth, and others—striving not only to do no harm but also to actively improve our shared existence.

In both Yoga and Buddhism, the principle of Bodhicitta, loosely translated as "practice for the benefit of all beings," underscores this intention. Sometimes in our classes, we include a dedication or prayer to embody this principle. This simple act encapsulates the essence of Yoga: each time you allow your inner light to shine, the universe becomes more loving, peaceful, and joyful.


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The Power of Breath by Lexie Wolf