We are all Students, We are all Teachers by Lexie Wolf

We are all students, and we are all teachers. In this continuous dance of our soul’s journey, we are co-creators of our collective experiences and wisdom.

Look around you. The people you spend the most time with are the ones you've chosen to walk this path alongside. They are the ones you teach and learn from, forming an intricate web of shared knowledge and growth. As my favorite quote from Ram Dass goes, "We’re all just walking each other home."

I am incredibly grateful for the souls who choose to engage with the Yoga Garden family. Together, we are learning to walk each other home with as much love, compassion, and strength as we can summon. Each interaction, each shared breath, adds to our growth and the richness of our journey.

In life, we are often asked to wear labels such as “student” or “teacher” in different situations. Embracing the label of teacher or guide can be very vulnerable. It means agreeing to step to the front of the line with a flashlight.

Our yoga teacher trainees have agreed to take a turn at the front of the line. Embarking on yoga teacher training is a humbling experience, as it reveals that learning Yoga is not achieved in a 200-hour course, but through a journey spanning many lifetimes.

Starting July 2, our wonderful yoga teacher trainees will begin teaching community classes on Tuesday nights at 7:30 through mid-October. They will be trying out their flashlights. These classes are free and open to all who wish to join in their beautiful dance.


The Power of Breath by Lexie Wolf


Accepting Whatever Happens by Lexie Wolf