Accepting Whatever Happens by Lexie Wolf

While many think of the yogi as someone who sits cross-legged, peaceful and calm, watching the world go by, there is plenty of room for the driven or “type A” personality in yoga. In fact Yoga philosophy tells us that taking skillful action rather than sitting passively by is desirable in most situations. One teacher of mine describes it as a mandate to “act according to the need of the hour.” Then the big trick is to be unattached to the outcome of your actions. Accept whatever happens.

Though there are things that happen that we might label as “failures,” Yoga asks us to not to see things that way. Instead, we’re encouraged to surrender, accept, and learn from whatever happens, perhaps even seeing it as a gift. We can be peaceful about such “gifts” when we know that we’ve acted to the best of our ability and done what we can.

I find this to be a very freeing approach when I can implement it. It’s a lifetime practice. There is that expression that comes to mind, “hard pill to swallow.” Lately, I’ve been trying to turn that expression around and pretend that whatever comes my way is a delicious, creamy, easy-to-swallow ice cream instead. Yum! Whatever works…..

There is a particular place in my neck where I put my resistance to what’s happening, my fears and insecurities, my insistence that I want my world to be a certain way. Where do you put your resistance? Even if I can’t always achieve the mental or emotional shift I need in the moment, the physical practice of yoga does help. Loosening the knots in my body with movement and breath can pave the way for a loosening of the mind, perhaps shedding unhelpful mindsets.

I’ve enjoyed writing this little note. Now I’m going to let go of how it might land with you (she says as she clutches her neck). 


We are all Students, We are all Teachers by Lexie Wolf


We’re Seven! by Lexie Wolf