We’re Seven! by Lexie Wolf

We're seven! The number seven is associated with luck and magic in a lot of different traditions. I've never really marked our anniversary before but this year, I'm full of nostalgia and gratitude for the many, many people who have built our sweet community. At Yoga Garden our secret sauce is love. And maybe some luck and magic, too.

During the first week of June in 2017, Yoga Garden opened its doors with a week of free demo classes. Many of the classes were quite full, and I thought we had it made. I had underestimated the impact of “free.”

Running an independent yoga studio turned out to be a challenge. I had zero idea what I was doing and still utilize a controversial business strategy called Making it Up As I Go Along. I have so much respect now for every small business owner.

In our first class picture you will see the incomparable Kim Caraganis who taught our very first class. Kim you always have a special place in my heart! You will also recognize my dear friend and our Director of Teacher Training, Meadow DeFosche-Christ. Meadow has been with us from the beginning. Steadfast commitment, a core yogic value, is just one of many that Meadow embodies. Love you, friend. Thank you for all you do.

Yogi legends Emily Silverman and Ilarion Updesh helped with visioning and some early teaching. I learned community from the master, Tami Schwerin. Trip Overholt –known for delivering creative building skills with a side of nondual sagacity - renovated the studio with a generous helping of both.

In 2017 my dear friend Lyle Estill was a business mentor of sorts. We both agreed the studio seemed more of a solid bet than turning his smelly, slimy ex-biodiesel plant into a place where people might someday want to hang out. Lyle, I’m touched by your encouragement then and now. What pleasure there was in hanging with well over a thousand people at the Plant last Sunday at PBO Pride.

My measure of success is not numbers (helpful in this business). It is in the outstanding teachers who want to be here even though they might have more students in Carrboro or Cary. And the students who tell me that our studio has made a difference in their lives. I am so grateful to every person who comes through our doors. Whether for one hour or hundreds of times.

Thanks to Yoga Garden I feel I have found my dharma. Loosely translated as “right way of living,” or purpose. Tom Thompson, a great yogi who used to offer Satsang at Yoga Garden, advised me in the early days to love what I do, give it my absolute best, and then let go - love and accept whatever the outcome might be. I’m still working on that last part but I’ve made some progress.

Speaking of dharma: Gratitude to my mentor Dharma Richards. I know you are living your yoga out there as you navigate your new life as a movie star! You are always with us. About half of our teaching staff was trained by Dharma and we share a special bond.

The radiant being that is Bill Wofford came along in 2021 and lit up my life. Now, he is shining that bright light on this community too. A beautiful yogi who can also create spreadsheets? I’m in. I could not be more excited to see what unfolds as we collaborate on the next phase of Yoga Garden.

This year I changed our tag line to “Grow here.” Wow have I. Others have grown here too - they tell me so. You can, too.

love & gratitude,



Accepting Whatever Happens by Lexie Wolf


How I Came to Be a Wandering Monk by Brian Lottman